here your body building

vendredi 12 février 2016

The 3 Best Weight Training Options for Building Muscle Mass

Do you think that lifting heavy barbells and dumbbells is the only way to build muscle mass? Then think again. In this article you will find 3 weight training options that are proven to build muscle mass.
Add these weight training options to your bodybuilding repertoire and maximise your muscle gains.
So heavy barbells and dumbbells are taking the fun out of your muscle building workouts. You have enough motivation but weights seem to be going nowhere. What is happening you think!
The solution might be simpler than you think.
No. It does not require any $200 per hour coach to figure it out. You need a change in your bodybuilding option.
Why change works in the bodybuilding world
In one word. Homeostasis.
Homeostasis, also called adaptation or your body's ability to adjust to any new stimulus is the biggest enemy of your muscle building gains.
When you constantly lift heavy barbells and dumbbells, the stress on the muscles, joints and nervous system compounds. Every week the stress adds and finally the body adapts.
It adapts not just to the workout routine, but to the kind of stress itself. At this point your body demands new stimulus, it wants new options to grow.
Your 3 Awesome Weight Training options to build muscle mass
The language of muscle is tension. It does not care how you provide it. Machines, dumbbells or barbells. All it perceives is tension.
With that being the constant factor there are 3 options you have to build muscle.
Each stresses the muscle-skeletal and nervous system differently and hence should be part of your muscle building toolbox.
Option One: Bodyweight Training
Before you reserve bodyweight training only to rehab, travel fitness or when you get back from layoff, let me share a secret.
Bodyweight training, also called calisthenics is becoming the next best thing in bodybuilding, flexibility training and sports.
The new body dynamics researched in calisthenics is showing us how to use it either individually or in conjunction with weight training to maximise muscle gains.
Since bodybuilders are excellent at doing push ups, pull ups and other bodyweight exercises, the best way to incorporate them is by doing single limb moves. Master one arm pull ups and single leg squats for 4-6 weeks and see how your barbell weights go up.
If you are serious bodybuilder, take time for bodyweight training. Your brain and muscles will thank the new stimulus and grow from it.

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