here your body building

dimanche 21 février 2016

3 Common Workout Mistakes Beginners Make In The Gym

Trying to pack on some serious muscle mass at the gym? Stop! You're probably doing it all wrong. There are 3 common workout mistakes that you need to know before you go any further. Once you know these bodybuilding hacks, you'll have a competitive advantage over other newbies in the gym. Read on to find out what they are.
1. You're rushing things in the gym
Rome wasn't built in a day. If you want to get seriously jacked, patience is key. Devising a proper workout plan is a good place to start but if you're rushing things in the gym and not focusing on proper form, you could be losing out on newbie gains (the amount of muscle you build when you first start working out).
Even worse, you could be putting your body at risk if you're training with weights that are just too heavy for you.
Here's the thing: When you start training, your connective tissue probably can't take the strain if the weights you're using are too heavy. The solution? Start off slow and take your time.
Here are some top tips for newbies when it comes to weight training:
+ It's an age-old cliche but bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to get ripped, start off with lighter weights and gradually increase the amount of weight every week (about 5 percent should do it) otherwise, you'll plateau and just be wasting your time.
+ Combine isolation exercises (that focus on one part of the body like bicep curls) with compound exercises (movements that focus on more than one muscle group, like squats) to give your body a better workout.
+ Don't just focus on the exercises that target the chest and biceps. This is a common mistake that newbies make and one that should be avoided.
Devise a plan whereby you train every body part - such as the often-neglected shoulders, back and lower legs - so that you can achieve a better body composition.
2. You're not lifting weights properly
Sorry to break to you but you're probably lifting weights wrong if you're a beginner. Don't panic, you're not the only one. After all, even the world's best bodybuilders had to start somewhere.
+ Focus on form. You shouldn't be straining when lifting weights (and you could be doing damage if you are). This is one of the most common workout mistakes beginners make in the gym that ruins their progress.
Practice doing the exercises with proper form before you consider increasing the weight.

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