here your body building

samedi 24 décembre 2016

The Secret to Lean Muscle, Strength, Health and Other Things

Then listen to my mantra...
"Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot."
I learned this at age 5 from a cartoon called "Tooter Turtle" back in 1964. You see the tooter the turtle always wanted to be something he was not so he would go to Mr. Wizard (a lizard) who had the magic to change Tooter's life to some other destiny, usually sending him back in time and to various locales.
When Tooter's trip finally became a catastrophe, Tooter would request help with a cry of "Help me Mr. Wizard, I don't want to be X anymore!" where X was whatever destiny Tooter had entered. Mr. Wizard would then rescue Tooter with the incantation, "Twizzle, Twazzle, Twozzle, Twome; time for this one to come home." Then, Mr. Wizard would always give Tooter the same advice: "Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot."
You see, I am on a whole bunch of muscle building, bodybuilding, fat loss, weight-lifting and health newsletters. I get at least 25 to 30 of these every day. They are all the same. They offer you these promises.. The "Trick to Fast Fat Loss or Weight Loss", or "Genetics don't matter" or "Super supplement is better than steroids" kind of stuff. Many of these people that sell this baloney never trained themselves or made much progress. Even more deceiving are the hucksters selling these program who do have a good looking physique (they may even be 40 to 70 years old) and are taking pharmaceutical drugs.
Listen to me, it is not complicated. I do it all in my two car garage and so have thousands, maybe millions of other people. There have been men who have won the title of Mr. America and Mr. Universe and they trained with a partner in a garage or basement or a YMCA that had dumbbells, barbells maybe a power rack or just a squat rack. Nothing fancy, just the basic exercises with constant progression and perseverance.
The point I am making is this.
I receive a lot of emails from guys and girls wanting to look like some person they follow on YouTube or Facebook or some other form of social or broadcast media. They are amazed at the lean, strong and muscular physique they see on this person and want to build the same physique themselves. They buy the program or membership and go at it only to fall to failure - why? Because they followed a flawed weight lifting and diet program. The creator of the program never actually used the program or if they did use the program they were also on steroids or testosterone or one of the many recreational drugs used to building lean muscle and burning fat.

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samedi 17 décembre 2016

Bodybuilding Workouts - 6 Tips To Keep in Mind

Are you looking for a good bodybuilding program? Most people find it hard to create their own bodybuilding workout plan for faster results. Basically, you have to set a plan as to how many times you should work out each week. Selecting the right exercises is another big task. But the six tips that we have given below may help you with this job.
1. Lift More Weight With Time
For bodybuilding, you need to gain muscle. And to gain muscle, you will have to keep adding weight to the bar. The principles you have set won't matter if you don't put more pressure on your muscles as time goes by. When you get stuck, you should go for other strategies like supersets and drop sets, to name a few. This will help you increase the potential of your body.
2. Don't over-exhaust your muscle
Don't fully exhaust your muscle or you will run into serious problems, such as your nervous system fatigue. Some people believe that growing muscle requires you to exhaust them. Of course, you should stretch your muscle by lifting heavier weights. Don't cross the limits or you may cause an injury.
3. Focus On Compound Exercises
The third tip is to choose compound exercises. Remember: you can't spend all day at the gym doing several exercises. You have to choose a set of exercises that will work the right muscle groups. Not doing so will not let you reach your full potential.
Most of your workout plan should include exercises that will stretch a minimum of two muscle groups in your body. For instance, the shoulder press will stretch your triceps and shoulders. On the other hand, squat will build your hamstrings and quads. Another important workout is bench press as it will work your chest, triceps, biceps and shoulders.
4. Feed Your body Before And After Workouts
Eat the right amount of food before and after each workout session. Your muscles need amino acids or carbohydrates to build new muscle tissues. If you don't feed your body prior to doing your workouts, you won't be able to see the results you want.
5. Avoid the Plateau
What would you do if you get in a plateau? At some point during your workout schedule, you may end up with a plateau. In case you don't know, a plateau is a point where you see no progress for over two weeks.
The good news is that you can prevent the plateau. All you have to do is to keep changing something in your workout schedule. For instance, you can change the order of the exercises you do at the gym, or it could be a change in the type of workouts you do. This way you won't get bored and keep seeing the progress you want.
6. Taking Rest is a Must
You can't build muscles without taking enough rest. Your muscles need time to recover after each training session. Your muscle will gradually break down if you don't let them unwind.
As a general rule, you may want to take 24 hours of rest after each weight lifting session. Aside from this, if you are cardio-minded, the rule doesn't mean you should do an exhaustive cardio exercise for 45 minutes. In fact, this means you should rest your body for reaching its maximum potential.
So, follow these 6 tips and you will get stronger muscles before long.

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samedi 10 décembre 2016

Choosing The Best Workout Program For the Best Results

There are so many workout programs promising to give excellent results to users. The programs are either designed for men or for women considering that the two have different needs and goals when working out. With so many programs on offer, it can get pretty daunting to select a workout program that will actually work for you and fetch you the kind of results you get. But when you are cautious with the selection process, you definitely will have an easy time ending up with the most suitable program for your objectives.
1. Understand what you want to achieve - Working out is not always something that overweight people do; there are some people who feel a need to work out to work on specific areas of the body, tone up and redesign their bodies. Women, for instance, want to work on their bikini bodies so they want a program that helps in eliminating belly fat and toning up the things and arms. Men on the other hand may want to build more muscle and work on the abs. When you start by understanding what your real needs are, you will have an easier time going for the best workout program.
2. Find out what the workout program is all about - Now that you already know what you want to achieve as an individual, the next would be to find out exactly what your preferred program is all about. Whereas most programs are all about losing weight, some of the best are fitness, lifestyle and exercise guides that make it possible for you to make a total lifestyle change. It is always better to select a program that has a long term approach rather than a crash workout or diet that offers quick results that are not sustainable.
3. Check the features of the workout program - Is the workout program well organized? When you get a program, you should have an easy time doing your daily workouts. A good program should give you a complete guideline on everyday workouts and it is even better when it comes with a daily diet plan too. The truth is that a workout alone will not really fetch you the results you are looking for hence the importance of making sure that you also have a workable diet plan to match the workouts.
4. Think about how accessible the program is - Usually the best workout programs need to be purchased and they can come in e-book forms, PDF or even on CD and other forms. Before buying find out whether what you are going for is a one time purchase that gives you full access to the workout program or you will need to make monthly subscriptions to keep accessing the program. Those offering one-time purchases are best.
5. Check out the reviews - One of the best ways of reassuring yourself that you have selected the best workout program is by checking out what other users have to say about it. Most will post before and after program photos that can tell you exactly what to expect. Dig deep into the reviews and make your purchase only when you are completely sure.

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